Wednesday 25 February 2015

Ladies: 3 Little Things That Will Stroke His Big Ego

                                         February 26, 2015

All relationships get a bit stale every now and then, here are some ideas to shake it up and keep it smoking:
1. Be Unpredictable – Break a few rules and do something out of character.  If you go to bed in the same old t-shirt every night, invest in some sexy lingerie. Initiate love making yourself, and make some moves you haven’t tried before. There is plenty of advice these days to give you ideas on how you can keep his toes curling in the bedroom.
Try being unpredictable outside of the bedroom, too. A few years ago, a male colleague took secret dancing lessons and surprised his wife at their daughter’s wedding with some groovy dance moves. She was delighted (because she was sure he was having an affair), and now they go dancing together three or four times a week. He confided recently, that their relationship is the best its ever been.
2. Be a Little Naughty – Whether it be in or out of the bedroom, try and spice things up in your love life. If you are in public, whisper in his ear the things you know will turn him. Do it with a straight face. If you are in an elevator and no one is around, give him an unexpected passionate kiss and let your hands do a little talking, too. If he is watching TV one night, walk in nαked and stand in front of him. That will be sure to get his attention.
Whatever is naughty for you, and a little bit out of character, go for it. It is sure to put a bit of a spark back into the relationship.
3. Let Yourself Relax – You don’t have to make all the decisions and do everything yourself all the time. Some women I’ve talked to, feel that they have to be a super woman. They have to make sure everyone is happy, fed, and the apartment clean. Ladies, no you don’t.
Let your man be a man. Stop smothering him. You’re allowed to have some time off. You can get your terrific man to give you a massage, cook dinner for you, or make love to you slowly — catering to your every whim. Just stop being the boss, and let your man be the man of the house for once. Only you and he can know how he would like to do that, so go ahead, ask him, listen to him and let him!

Ladies, these are only a few suggestions. If being unpredictable means getting on the dance floor and dirty dancing with your man, then do it. Whatever works for you to put the spark back in the relationship. Every relationship is different and everyone’s imagination is different. Let yours run wild!

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